Spruce Grove & Stony Plain are getting Spooky this Halloween season. We have an awesome selection of local events for the kids, family, or friends!
Check out these smashing events & activities for all ages in Spruce Grove & Stony Plain this year!
All websites available linked below. Be sure to call ahead for potential ticket or time information.
Family Fun
Oct. 2nd-31st - Spooky Series Escape Room
Oct. 26th - Spooky Toonie Swim
@ Tri Leisure from 5-9pm
Oct. 2nd-31st - Spooky Series Escape Room
Oct. 22nd - Paint Night
Located @ The Beer Hunter
Little Ghouls
Oct. 16th - Baby Print Party
Halloween Spooky Prints @Crock-a-doodle
Oct. 25th - Monster Mash Halloween Party
Oct. 26th - Mini Monster Bash
@ Heritage Park Stony Plain from 10am-2pm
Family Fun
-Pumpkin Carving
-Watch a family friendly halloween movie
-Decorate Halloween themed sugar cookies
-Halloween cruise; pack some snacks & drive around town looking at the scariest/most creative halloween decorations
-Visit the pumpkin patch
-Go 'booing' - this activity is a fun pastime and a great way to pass it on. Go to a friends doorstep leaving a halloween treat or gift with a note to pass it on to another friend.
-Make Monster Slime with the kids
-Pumpkin Carving
-Scary movies
-Halloween cocktails
-Brainstorm matching costumes
-Visit a spooky local haunted house